Don’t just boycott, shoplift products that are on the bds list sicko-hexbear

It’s boycott divest steal now

  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    2 months ago

    If you shoplift the products the Israeli factories will provide the businesses with more, increasing their profits. If you sabotage Israeli products though, then you give the item a worse reputation upon purchase, leading customers to give it bad reviews and not buy it again, keeping BDS going even with people who have never heard of it.

  • thelastaxolotl [he/him]
    2 months ago

    not sure if it would be better, the current favorite strategy of the neoliberal market is the japanese 5S, of which one of its ways to cut costs is to have mininal storage via only selling as close to the demand of a product. aka they dont over buy stock anymore.

    for example is why black friday isnt done with big discounts anymore (the big 90% off) because stores no longer buy so much stock to the point they cant buy anymore

    so if you dont buy them they stay in store selfs forcing them to either stop re-stocking them since they dont turn a profit anymore or buy less of them and that ends up hurting the producers in the BDS lists because if they sell less then the shareholders will in return stop buying shares so the company loses value, and thats the only thing they care about.