I’m trying to feel bad for these people, but it’s kind of hard when, for most of them, this was just one of a half dozen properties they own. It’s also not like this was their first wild fire.
I give absolutely zero fucks because the only way they could afford even just the one is by exploiting a shit ton of normal people.
At that level of wealth it doesn’t matter they did to “earn” it, wealth is finite and if they hoard that much of it, there’s less for everyone else.
Paris, yes. But plenty of people in that area are not at that level
There’s lots of “areas”…
But the traditional media is only talking about the wealth, because that’s all the owners of that media cares about.
For people in areas like that video, I give all the fucks. They’re the ones without the money to fight insurance companies.
Cool. One of my oldest friend’s twin sister lost everything in the fire and she was renting, not an owner.
So you know, I admire Paris Hilton for the work she’s done on the whole troubled teen thing, but I could not give less of a fuck about her losing one of her multiple homes.
That’s hot 🔥
That’s fucked up
That is fucked up. Multimillionaires and billionaires, in this case a nepo heiress, losing their third and fourth vanity properties is an inconvenience they will underpay people to suffer for them.
We have Americans dying of exposure in the streets every day by choice for the crime of being defective capital batteries for the people that live in Malibu. Go cry a river for people who have massive blood drenched investment portfolios in the exploitation casino, you’re less than human to them.
This comment section reeks of Pol Potists
I know this is the wrong reaction, but i am so erect i can feel my pulse… In my pants…