I do it as early as I can and it makes me feel like a responsible adult, especially because I’m using one of the swaggier filing solutions instead of turbotax or whatever so it’s nice and free
This time around it’s a little more annoying because I have to deal with self-employment stuff from my gig economy job last year. But I actually might get a slight refund which I wasn’t expecting so
Every year this is my task because my partner hates doing math and we both refuse to pay those hr block vampires for it, but I always have an emotional breakdown at some point because I can’t find some dumb pin number from 2 years ago or something.
Would strongly suggest one of the IRS Free File options! FreeTaxUsa is free federal and a max of $15 for state (could be free depending on how much you make), and it’s been good for me. Only annoyance this time for me is an iterative calculation around the advance premium tax credit and deductions for healthcare premiums while self-employed that they make me do instead of doing for me, but that’s a pretty edgy edge case
I’ve used these a few times. I think part of my frustration is actually from using different filing software so then they want old info from previous returns and I have to acquire it from the other company and they want my 12 month old password to let me in?
Idk, I know it raises my stress level and then I basically block it out till next year kol
Oh I guess I’ve never run into that since I’ve always been in the same software
Smarter than me, but it’s okay, only one or two days of stress. Worth it to spite the tax prep industry.