It’s a weird nitpicky thing that makes no sense. If you can’t even use the actual name for the CPC why should I believe a single word you say about China?
Are most libs just this ignorant or is there some sort of narrative/propaganda behind getting the name wrong?
i think this is one of the most bizarre things to get twisted about, a multiple-word title for an organization will inevitably have different word orders depending on the localization, English is just a silly language with multiple ways for many items to be grammatically correct with identical meaning. CCP is 1:1 with the chinese word-order, but the foreign office of the PRC’s english style guide chose a different, also correct order. This issue is very far from the intentional disrespect of using antiquated names a country has formally requested changed in foreign localization–Iran, Myanmar, eSwatini. Do yankees or yankee politicians concern themselves with the precise characters or their order referring to the US in PRC communications? Why should anyone in the CPC care, especially with the knowledge that they are both grammatically correct?
Dimensionless brain: Chinese Communist Party
Microscopic brain: Communist Party of China
Normal brain: Party of Chinese Communists
Galaxy brain: Party of Communist China
Universe brain: Chinese Party of Communists
Multiverse brain: Communist Chinese Party
Word order yes
But 中国共产党 translates literally as “China Communist Party”
It identifies the nation of China and not the Chinese people
If i wanted to translate Chinese Communist Party i would use something like 中华共产党 instead
Its a subtle difference but Communist Party of China imparts the party a certain level of national sovereignty in my opinion