upon moving to the US and A, I jokingly made a bet with a close friend on how long it would take to be called Hard R.
Yesterday, on the way from the bar to the ATM , I crossed the street in front of what I thought was a random SUV.
woop woop
my heart dropped
I waved and said “sorry sir”, and the pork rolled down his window and yelled
“watch yourself n****r”
Enjoying bullet free internals, I walked away to to withdraw the cash, and relayed the story to the lads when I returned to the bar.
I hate to think what else this pig has done. Stay safe out there.
Jesus Christ.
Not worth getting the bet, but ogey.
What state/region and about how long did it actually take?
Dirty south, not self-doxxing any furher.
If this is what they get away with in a society where everyone has an HD video camera in their pocket, I can only imagine what they got away with prior.