The economy has been crashing more and more as time goes on but Trump’s plans sounds like they’ll push things into new a level.

  • tamagotchicowboy [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Basically see what the first edition of Nazis did and caused then 1-1 it to the modern day. Also more fascists appropriating red baiting, its an old trope, already happening, but it’s going to go into full play, the capitalists pretending they are anti-capitalist.

    Inflation will go 1 bitcoin for a Big Mac tier, but that’s still in the fully collapsed economy point. Certain debts might be frozen for a time, obviously not student loans. I suspect the return of debtors prisons and similar setups. Also forced employment, just because you work doesn’t mean it will be even at minimum wage.

    I expect more privatization of everything and a very poor attempt at reindustrialization using old shut down factories and prison slaves/heavily abused and deprived/indebted labor with harrowing accidents harkening back to the 19th century. Once we get into a big enough war maybe there’ll be attempts to train said workers and slaves somewhat. I also expect something similar in agriculture but exclusively using prison slavery and there’ll never be training nor relief there outside of the hands of the oppressed. There will be a lot of food shortages because of this being willfully inefficient and people will be gaslit about it or scapegoat Canada and trans people or someshit.

    More attempts to use fuel sources the US has to trade as bargaining chips/economic baton as dollar diplomacy fades.

    Yet another big war eventually, especially since how lucrative the arms industry is. Some industries are going to greatly benefit from the economic-political changes, others not so much, so I expect infighting. Those tariffs alone imho mean more war is greatly desired.