If you think you have ever felt true fear, you havent tried Gentoo yet

  • Natanox
    1 month ago

    sigh point 2 fits perfectly. The wider Linux community is full of people who’s openly oust you if you if you don’t know certain things or, beware, do not want to have to learn using a CLI but simply wish for GUI tools (in flippin’ 2025!). The elite here are people who like to tinker with tech, or rather those with certain knowledge the broader public doesn’t possess. On the other side are people who got other priorities than learning about the insides of an operating system, who get alienated by people who expect them to become CLI magicians as well because “it’s easy”. Completely ignoring how utterly lost most people feel at that moment.

    Everything you said after that is rhetorical bullshit that’s also very common in the community and literally the reason I saw dozens of non-techy people reject Linux-based OS’ after they encountered their first issue and looked for help. You’re twisting my criticism of systemic issues in a way it looks like a personal failure of myself, because that’s something / someone you can argue against. Your last few sentences are also shifting the goalpost, I never spoke about that exact behaviour you’re describing there.

    I’m done with this BS, bye.