Hello! I recently faced an issue trying to upload big file to Android tablet. It doesn’t detect with MTP so I tried to push it via ADB. But I get this error:
$ adb push myfile /sdcard
adb: error: 65544-byte write failed: Success
How can I fix it? Why is this happening? Storage space is enough:
EDIT: I want to use it for app devlopment, so I need ADB or quick MTP for app installing.
Did you tried running adb push with sudo? Do a kill-server before
Yes, didn’t help
Would you mind sharing some details? computer OS name and version, your adb version and if you installed systemwide or if you compiled/downloaded out of your repos
Fedora 41 with latest adb from repos
You didn’t mention it so I asume that you can open a shell, did you tried creating a file in the destiny? Also SELinux may be the problem, try temporary disable it, if works, enable it and create an exception. Other thing; since adb daemon runs on check if you have any localhost firewall rules, but this doesn’t make sense if you can open a shell. Last things, download the lastest SDK, you don’t need to install it, just call adb with the full path.
ADB and Android Studio works perfectly with any other Android phone, so I think it is likely not PC issue. Small files and apps can also be pushhed/installed