With initial efforts aimed at swinging upcoming German elections and discrediting Ukraine, Russia's "Doppelganger" influence operations have expanded to the BlueSky social media platform. It took the Russians a while to get around to it, but they've finally begun running their disinformation operations on social media platform BlueSky. On January 17,…
Oh, good. I was worried we might actually get to keep a platform free of garbage. Whew. Can’t wait for all those conspiracy nuts to join in too!
Seriously, if someone would just off Putin, that’d be great. Let Russia fall into a little civil war as smaller leaders fight amongst themselves for the scraps.
Just curious. Would you support a civil war in now openly fascist USA (see support of genocide and nazi salutes in presidential inauguration)? I don’t support civil war in either because that’s a horrifying outcome for the population of both.
Its time for the people to take back from the those who should never been in charge. Yes. But hey, you just enjoy being complacent and hope things get better. You keep holding on in hopes your uber still delivers McDonalds to you while it’s still warm. I’m ready to fight.
The alternative by the way, is life where unless youre a white christian male, your opinion doesn’t count you are a lessor in everything. Exchange rich, for Christian as needed because we all know Trump isn’t. I’m a variation of all 3 of those, by the way, so figure that one out.
I’ll pay the price if there is one including bearing the burden of your dislike so we can all be equals and live prosperously.
i was hoping for a purified echo chamber because that’s clearly what this world needs more of.
That is the western propaganda for justifying diminishing Russia. “If we are lucky a civil war fractures Russia into balkanized sections which the US/CIA will be able to keep divided and warmongering amongst each other. Blow up their oil. Yay!”. Instead, Russians understand this war as defensive, and don’t believe “NATO is a purely defensive alliance” BS, any more than non-imbeciles in west believe it, instead of willingly going along with the hateful propaganda lies because they have internalized their rulers warmongering profits as if it were a sports home team.
We can all be very thankful for Putin’s restraint on nuclear strikes of US bases in Europe, or Aircarrier fleets off coast of Israel. If anything, opposition in Russia that would replace him, if impression was that Russia was losing/Putin approach was failing, would be more aggressive in ending the war once and for all.
Cries about western propaganda while deep throating Kremlin propaganda. Good job.
Russians understand Ukraine to be a necessary defensive action. Reality. And only relevance to their actions. Western propaganda meant to disinform Russians that NATO motives are purely human truth and love is desperation that cannot end well.
And you’re still pushing Kremlin propaganda. Cool.
Too many nukes
If they had any that worked, they’d have used them by now.
Putin may be crazy, but he’s not suicidal.
Nukes aren’t self stable. The brains that it takes to maintain the stock left or died long ago.
Uhhh… I’d say he already crossed that threshold recently when he flung that empty ballistic missle into some random ass factory
At this point, just do it. Humanity needs a reset anyway.