Who were the “real patriots” on January 6?
◉ yes
◎ no
Sorry, it was actually Yes, the english prog-rock band, you can no longer be director of the NSA.
Well, I’ll be (the roundabout)
What can you expect from someone with the bigliest words
Legacy media continues to suck shit. I had to crib the questions from a Bluesky post because they are scattered in the article. Who wants to read the fucking article? Gimme my dessert before my vegetables and fuck the vegetables.
Intelligence officers, famous for not lying to advance their goals
Yes, it happened in the capitol building.
Yes, vermin supreme was railroaded.
The Jan 6ers, who were actually antifa, but also innocent patriots.
Vermin Supreme.
The Jan 6ers, who were actually antifa, but also innocent patriots.
Should have seized the moment to convince people that Trump just pardoned a hundred antifa crisis actors.
FBI staff being asked if the FBI did Jan 6 - The Deep State hates this One Simple Trick!
Is there a silver lining that this is going to purge some of the more intelligent ghouls and replace them with incompetent
Unironically though.
Would not surprise me if they’re going to make a specific oath to
as a requirement in future.
For civilian government and regular military:
“I swear by God this holy oath, that I will render to Donald Trump, President of the United States and American People, Commander In Chief, unconditional obedience, and that I am ready to risk my life at any time for this oath.”
For JSOC special forces:
"I vow to you, Donald Trump, as President and Commander In Chief of the United States, loyalty and bravery. I vow to you and to the leaders that you set for me, absolute allegiance until death. So help me God.”
Build a government beholden to a head of state who can exact total executive authority on almost all laws within the limits of your country’s constitution.
In said constitution add a rule that lets the head of state install whoever he wants into the court that decides said limits to your country’s constitution.
Using your de facto executive control of the entire country, make every single individual under the employ of your state swear allegiance
Everyone will just go along with it as long as you use the term “president” and not your name even though you have total executive authority over who can use that title for the rest of your life.
beautiful system, amazing.
Was 9/11 “an inside job”?
Do you live in a hole or a boat
Was Jan 6 an inside job?
It was an inside job as they were inside the capitol building…