Really? This is the site for amendments (for now at least). It’s the second result when I search. Second to Wikipedia.
I can see the argument for what you said, but it pretty clearly isn’t the primary reason, looking back with a historical lense. It also specifically says “well regulated militia” which definitely does not refer to people with no training who never use their weapon having one in their house. Usually a militia would store their weapons in a central place and would also train to be ready when called. The individual storage and ownership thing is not the expectation historically.
Really? This is the site for amendments (for now at least). It’s the second result when I search. Second to Wikipedia.
I can see the argument for what you said, but it pretty clearly isn’t the primary reason, looking back with a historical lense. It also specifically says “well regulated militia” which definitely does not refer to people with no training who never use their weapon having one in their house. Usually a militia would store their weapons in a central place and would also train to be ready when called. The individual storage and ownership thing is not the expectation historically.