Blasphemous, I dont know (or care). Engagement bait. meh-be? I got the image in mind thinking it was funny, and would get interactions out of it, else what the point of posting. but I am not selling or promoting anything. Slop? sure, It would have been much better If I had the time to book a trip to manathan with a bunch of friend with matching track suits and take an actual picture but that would be high effort. My head being in the right place - That nice of you thx.
Ai, political, and misrepresents adidas who pulled out of Russia following the Ukraine invasion. Terrible post.
would you say it’s shitty?
Less “pile of shit”, more “ blasphemous engagement bait slop”. Your heads in the right place tho.
Blasphemous, I dont know (or care). Engagement bait. meh-be? I got the image in mind thinking it was funny, and would get interactions out of it, else what the point of posting. but I am not selling or promoting anything. Slop? sure, It would have been much better If I had the time to book a trip to manathan with a bunch of friend with matching track suits and take an actual picture but that would be high effort. My head being in the right place - That nice of you thx.