What conservatives don’t understand is we know you’re full of shit because you raised us. You idealize about a time that never was and we know it because we watched it destroy you. We were all raised in broken homes because you broke them. We watched the war on drugs destroy our neighborhoods because you were the ones who were xenophobic. We know this is all fantasy because we watched you fail and we don’t want that for ourselves or anyone.
So please. Keep your fetishes in the bed room.
What is this Patriarchy you speak of ? Is it a new flavour of ice-cream ?
Patriarchy is the systemic bias that men in charge make policies that put more men in charge simply because they are men.
If you’ve ever seen a Republican panel on women’s health, you’d understand.
So it’s a system that keeps women down right ?
Less about keeping women down, and more about elevating men above them purely because they are men.
That would be “pistachio”
Ah understood