What, no TRUMP or MELANIA coins?
The national scam is well under way. I can see how stockpiling crypto is going to be a major asset in the war on high grocery prices…
So is this going to be used to siphon money from the US tax payer to Putin or Trump?
Launder money probably.
I always figured crypto would outlast imperial petrol-dollars. But I never imagined a president helping it along.
Crypto is a scam through and through. If you don’t believe it, ask yourself why Trump is doing it.
Crypto is not actually money. It’s a scam, just like president felon.
It’s no less real than fiat currency.
What is “actual money”? You mean like paper printed by the state? Maybe with slave masters all over it?
While that might be true, the stock market is largely divorced from reality and the rules only apply to people who don’t have enough significant figures in their bank account. Cryptocurrencies have never claimed or even attempted to guard against market manipulation, whereas stock markets generally guard against market manipulators who aren’t super rich. In that respect, crypto is a more level playing field.
This is just stealing public money isn’t it?
They buy the crypto they plan on having the US acquire and then they dump their holdings when the price skyrockets…
We’re being forced to be scammed… Absolute fucking scum
My guess is that they created the Trump coin, got idiots to buy it, then they dumped it and transferred the coin to more commonly used coins for free. In which now he has the U.S. sink money into, increasing their initial investment they got from their followers being tricked.
If done right, it can be done cheap. The police regularly confiscates wannabe money when raiding e.g. darknet shops or drug lords. Just don’t put them up for auction, instead collect them as a reserve.
It’s buying crypto to gamble… on debt. Don’t forget that all this shit needs to not only break even but outpace the increased interest payments to bond holders that will need to be done to fund it.
Ready for the pump and dump with all our tax money?
I bet within a year he pumps it right from the bank.
Strange, i thought reserve currencies were stored in stable assets that aren’t expected to fluctuate much, like the US dollar… Oh i think i see whats next.
stable assets that aren’t expected to fluctuate much, like the US dollar
Constantly losing value isn’t the same as “stable”.
I think the Russian ruble is the new hotness
Gonna be the Yuan in a few years…
I like… gold.
Ah yes, im told it’s inflated muchly the last few years. That means its a really big deal!
I mean it’s a bigot currency. Everyone is saying it, all the best people
Not gonna save it from cratering you fucking morons. Now other countries have even more influence over it because you’re fucking with it.
Cyberpunk dystopias are a warning, not a strategic plan!
Constructing the future crash.