Body hair
NSFWWhere do you stand on body hair? A lot? A little? None at all? Does it differ by the gender of your partner(s)?
I’m realizing that a big turn on for me is feeling a very natural, human connection, so I tend to prefer body hair being unmanicured. Men, women and otherwise, I just like to see the hair growing where it naturally wants to.
I think especially pit hair and pubes are attractive to me. I was thinking about it the other day and it’s been that way since sex was a thing on my mind. I remember being 13 or 14 and sneaking looks up other boys sleeves to see if they had pit hair. No clue why that was the case, but it’s something that’s held up over time.
So yeah what about all of you?
I hate it on girls and can put up with it on guys, I have none at all below the neck. Partner trims his pubes.
Aesthetically, neutral.
Practically, I hate hair in my throat. I’d rather go down on a shaven woman than one with hair.
Similar here. I prefer smooth, as I love going down on a woman, but having hair is not a turn off, it’s just a preference.
Exact same! Though I find trimmed sufficient to make oral comfortable on a vulva. On testicles, I’m slightly more bothered by the hair.
Funny enough, body hair is one of the few things that I consider to be an absolute turn off. I don’t mind normal amounts of it for any gender as long as it’s groomed and will tolerate it, but I don’t ever find it aesthetically attractive. I don’t like the way it feels to touch or how it feels in my tongue. I also keep myself shaved smooth though, so take my opinion with a grain of salt I guess.
It’s a totally valid preference to have, especially considering the sensory angle (hair on the tongue, as you mentioned). I didn’t consider asking about hair on one’s own body, but yeah if you like the feeling of being clean shaven yourself, that probably informs the preference as well. Interesting to think about!
It’s their body. Seriously, for me, I never cared much at all. I’m hetero, and I always thought it was weird that women shaved legs and armpits. Like, why? That tend to have much finer hair to begin with, it’s usually soft, and it’s pleasant to touch. Stubble sucks, and there’s such a short window when it isn’t there.
By the time shaving pubes vegetable became super popular, I had been eating hairy pussy for a decade or so at least. Play with it for a while before getting in their, and loose hairs aren’t a problem. Smooth it out amd get in there, no problem.
But, it isn’t like there’s anything wrong with shaving or trimming either. Smooth legs are fun in their own way, and you can see their lines better. Trimmed pubes are fluffy and fun. Smooth shaved are slick, slippery slopes of sexiness. Stubble still sucks though.
For real, it’s all fun, it’s all nice looking in its own way.
That was kind of my question: Why? I understand doing it for personal comfort, but I’ve never understood how shaving became an expectation of mainstream beauty standards, especially for women. Just let people have their own standards, you know?
Agree with you that stubble sucks though, it’s like the worst of both worlds lol. Also doesn’t it get itchy? When I was 16 or 17 growing belly hair for the first time I tried shaving it and it was awful, never done it since. The stubble just ruined me.
Well, it’s like any social trend. Like bell bottoms.
There’s been trends of deplilation all over the world over millennia. Sometimes for aesthetics, sometimes for supposed health reasons (yay merkins!), sometimes for sexual reasons, or religious.
The current trend for it came along with porn, supposedly. And my personal memory matches the progress of it.
Porn is a visual medium. The sex is for watching, so getting the best images possible become more important than anything else. It’s one of the reasons big dicks are the default.
Shaving gives a clearer field of view.
So, now you’ve got all these dudes and some gals enjoying that view. Their sexual ideas get shaped by what they see, and they want to match it.
Then, as they match it and discover the convenient side of it, real sex becomes associated with it. So you get a feedback loop where people just assume they’re supposed to shave. You even run into people thinking that there are hygiene nineties benefits to it (even though it’s either neutral or slightly unhygienic in a real sense).
That, in turn, makes rejecting hair a social norm, even though it all started as something that was more of a private matter (pun intended).
And, yeah, you nailed exactly why I won’t shave any more. It used to be I would do it for partners if they asked, but my wife loves my body hair, all of it. Which is lucky since I’m furry like a baby sasquatch. But even if she ran off tomorrow, I wouldn’t do it any more too itchy, too many ingrown hairs, the extra hassles and increased skin health risks. Nah, not for me.
I love any amount of hair 🤤 tbh completely bald is a little weird for me, it looks plasticy. I really love hair! Hair-on-hair interaction just feels right, especially on balls.
Ugh yes, hair on hair does feel nice. And that sensation of deep throating until your nose is buried in their pubes.
Idk, just reminds me that humans are hairy, sweaty, musky, sexy animals. It sounds weird to type it out like that but that shit makes me feral lmao.
I prefer trimmed or shaved bush, otherwise it can get unruly. But full bush is fine.
Armpits and arms I don’t really care.
Leg hair is a big no, I just can’t. I love smooth legs on a woman.
Facial hair, nope. Hairy nips too lol
Prefer no hair. If I’m going to lick it I don’t want to cough up a furball later.
There’s an oglaf for that but I cannot find it.
A whole new meaning of sex kitten 🤣
My preference is no hair down there. That’s just what I like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
For women, I have no preference.
About men, I’m not into very hairy men, but I like to kiss a face with a small beard.
Specifically for oral sex, I prefer trimmed pubic hair (for boys and girls). I don’t like having my nose in a huge bush
All natural with like some trimming. I don’t think he should have a bush, but I think that natural looks great. The most important part is just to be comfortable. At the end of the day, I don’t care really about the looks too much. I care about the other person feeling comfortable with themselves.
Personally, my wife and I both like:
No pubic hair on either of us
Male moderately hairy, more garden than jungle Female: as hairless as possible
On others I don’t mind. on me it needs to go.
I prefer a garden to a jungle.
@instructions_unclear92 big fan of pubic hair, both aesthetically and for tactile reasons
Aesthetically, pubic hair on women is good. But personally, having depilated it all smooth, I cannot like the hair, it was coarse and itchy always when natural. So even though it’s not my preferred look, it is my preferred state.
Hate long armpit hair on anybody, I appreciate grooming.
Pubes on guys, they look good but I enjoy oral much more with guys who shave or trim close.
Other body hair on guys, I don’t like a pelt or a big beard but anywhere from medium amount down to near none is fine.
So I guess in short I do appreciate groomed more than natural when it comes to hair.