He let his fame get to his head, failed to ensure due diligence on research was done prior to posting his videos, and failed to refrain from frat bro bullshit that ended with an employee quitting and posting about it publically.
No sexual assault, racist tirade, or anything, just a run of the mill asshole with more fame and money than sense.
Oh, owned by Linus Media. Yay?
Man I disliked Linus back when he just ran LTT. So sad that he is still in business.
Whats so bad about him?
He let his fame get to his head, failed to ensure due diligence on research was done prior to posting his videos, and failed to refrain from frat bro bullshit that ended with an employee quitting and posting about it publically.
No sexual assault, racist tirade, or anything, just a run of the mill asshole with more fame and money than sense.