One quirky detail of my build: it has a tiered storage system through FuzeDrive. What that means is I have an 8 TB shucked hard drive and a 128 GB SSD “fuzed” together through some old software by Enmotus that is no longer available for purchase iirc. This means the SSD acts as a cache for my huge 8 TB drive. As a result, I can just install basically any game I want to my massive 8 TB drive without worrying about space, and if I play that game more than once or twice, it’ll automatically move to the SSD portion for faster access.

Some ideas:

  • Is this using used hardware that has a story?
  • Got an unusual configuration that isn’t normally seen (Dual RTX 3070 for example)
  • Did you paint it or add special lighting?
    1 year ago

    Mine is a series of continous upgrades from my first build nearly 20 years ago. It’s on its 8th mainboard generation and every part has been replaced at least 4 times, but I’ve never replaced the whole thing in one go so I consider it the same machine. Very Ship of Theseus situation.

    I have a spreadsheet of basically every part and upgrade back to the original build.

    Unrelated, I used fuzedrive with a 1tb ssd and a 3tb mechanical for a while as well. Works pretty well.