To me quite a lot. I know of friends and acquaintances that did not find benefits, but I am very happy with my choice of therapist (and mind, I only did some hours of search through internet platforms that serve where I live), and with how better in general I feel.
I also have to acknowledge that it’s a MUCH longer journey than expected, and that progress in the beginning felt very slow (or I felt that I was not progressing at all, sometimes it was friends that pointed out how they felt I was feeling better), but I’m very happy to have decided to do it and with how it’s turning out.
I’ve been going to therapy on and off for ~5 years. I’d say it’s changed my life. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helped me significantly cut down on negative self talk, which has improved my mood in general. I’m also more in tune with my emotions and I am able to sort of stop myself and think about my reactions (sometimes, still trying to work on it).
I’ve also become more empathetic and gentle. I think I’ve probably become a better friend and person as well. I’ve learned to let go of old fears, understand some traumatic responses, and most importantly, care about my own happiness and future.
I know it’s not a possibility for everyone, but therapy is so worthwhile, especially if you have a goal. There’s never anything wrong with having more tools at your disposal.
Thank you for your comment!
That depends on how skilled the therapist is and how hard the client is willing to work for their own sanity.
Got into that topic lately watching Shrinking (very good show by the way)