That’s Ahti. A recurring character in Remedy games. I saw him first in Alan Wake 2 and just met him in Control. I’m not sure if he is just some kind of human anomaly or a god. But he is a fan favourite and a treasure ❤️
Edit: Also he has the heaviest finish accent I’ve ever heard. To the point his clues sound more like riddles to an English speaking person. Which comes from him trying to use Finish proverbs or even grammar while speaking English.
That’s Ahti. A recurring character in Remedy games. I saw him first in Alan Wake 2 and just met him in Control. I’m not sure if he is just some kind of human anomaly or a god. But he is a fan favourite and a treasure ❤️
Edit: Also he has the heaviest finish accent I’ve ever heard. To the point his clues sound more like riddles to an English speaking person. Which comes from him trying to use Finish proverbs or even grammar while speaking English.