Power metal, rallying, forests, snow, reindeer, personal space, a language with a very musical-sounding rhythm and grammar that I don’t understand in the slightest, and that one video of a man swearing at a bear because it’s in his garden
lilyhammer because I keep confusing norway and finland.
As an ignorant American I’m saddened to say, very little. One thing that comes to mind is Simo Häyhä.
I cant forget Linus Torvalds. The third most influential person in my life behind Thompson and Ritchie. Without these three I would never have found one of my greatest joys, coding.
I think of the pictures of snowy landscapes crowned with ethereal lights dancing in the night.
Stories from my dad about a Finish violin maker who used to hitchhike everywhere dad used to give frequent rides to.
A bunch of Finns I know.
Great public transit, safe bike infrastructure (so safe they bike in the snow!), and a happy chill country that tries to be great for all their citizens (unlike the US which only cares about the rich)
I don’t know much about Finland so forgive me:
-It’s unique shape
-Mountains and snow -Rural
-Winter war with Russia
-Heavily prepared to defend against Russia
-Joined Nato after the Ukraine invasion
-Nordic culture?
-The Tinymight 2 vape
Aki Kaurismäki
It’s the country where I quite want to be. Eating breakfast or dinner, or just watching TV.
Finns be crazy.
Monty Pythons “Finland” song. And a former coworker who was born there, but does not speak a word of Finnish (Finlandish?).
Your mountains so lofty,
Your treetops so tall,
Finland, Finland, Finland,
Finland has it all
The country where I quite want to be…