She has been accused of spreading pro-Kremlin propaganda and anti-Semitic views. Known for opposing anti-Covid measures during the pandemic, she was expelled from the chamber of the European Parliament in Strasbourg in July 2024 after loudly interrupting debates. Her small party, SOS Romania, won 24 seats after securing some 7% of votes in December legislative elections.

The electoral office did, meanwhile, validate the candidacy of Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) party leader George Simion, the most prominent figure on the far right following Georgescu’s exclusion. According to AUR, banning Sosoaca’s candidacy “represents a further blow to Romanian democracy and a serious violation of fundamental rights and freedoms.”

The eastern European state has been plunged into chaos since Georgescu’s surprise emergence in November on the back of a huge TikTok social media campaign which was marred by suspicions of Russian interference. In a highly rare outcome, the November election was immediately cancelled while Georgescu was definitively excluded this week from the election, whose first round is scheduled for May 4.

    5 hours ago

    Like the other far right ones, she wants to take a big dump on the constitution and then set it on fire. That’s incompatible with holding the presidential office and others (including military) where the oath requires to protect the constitution.

    (1) Rezultatul alegerilor pentru funcţia de Preşedinte al României este validat de Curtea Constituţională.

    The Constitutional Court validates (or invalidates) the election result.

    (2) Candidatul a cărui alegere a fost validată depune în faţa Camerei Deputaţilor şi a Senatului, în şedinţă comună, următorul jurământ: “Jur să-mi dăruiesc toată puterea şi priceperea pentru propăşirea spirituală şi materială a poporului român, să respect Constituţia şi legile ţării, să apăr democraţia, drepturile şi libertăţile fundamentale ale cetăţenilor, suveranitatea, independenţa, unitatea şi integritatea teritorială a României. Aşa să-mi ajute Dumnezeu!”.

    among others, the president swears to respect the Constitution