The FT has done an investigation into Tesla’s balance sheet and found out that when comparing Tesla’s capital expenditure—reported at about $6.3 billion for the last six months of 2024—to the corresponding rise in the gross value of its property, plant, and equipment (which increased by roughly $4.9 billion), there appears to be a discrepancy of about $1.4 billion. The FT also notes that while differences between cash outlays and recorded asset increases can sometimes be explained by factors such as depreciation, asset disposals, or foreign currency effects, no clear accounting adjustment was provided by Tesla that would justify this gap. Not only is this anomaly a red flag but also keep in mind Tesla has already been caught red-handed trying to commit fraud in Canada recently by falsifying buying reports (ALL Toronto Tesla Dealers have moved on avg 1200 Teslas per day in the past 4 weeks according to Tesla’s tax credit filing with Canada) in order to cash out on a large lump sum of EV credits from the Canadian Gov.

In other words Tesla is looking more and more like Enron every day now

    7 days ago

    We need the stock to tank hard and hope the capitalists blame their losses on fraud. They will demand heads on a pike and have the wealth to make it happen. They could push for musk to be held personally liable and go after his wealth tied up in spacex shares.

    It’s all extremely unlikely given this hellish timeline we’ve gone down but it becomes ever more slightly likely as the Tesla stock drops.

    No one gave a shit about Enron’s financial shenanigans until the investors lost their money. Such is the way in a capitalist hellhole.