be the change you want to see! I know a lot of people who buddism has helped even if its not my thing. it could be a very positive thing for some users.
Yeah buddhism is a very interesting philosophy. They have/had a profound understanding of the human mind, and developed practices that can shift ones worldview. Some of the shit they said about the mind is cryptic as hell too (“there are over 1000 layers to the brain” etc. etc.)
be the change you want to see! I know a lot of people who buddism has helped even if its not my thing. it could be a very positive thing for some users.
Yeah buddhism is a very interesting philosophy. They have/had a profound understanding of the human mind, and developed practices that can shift ones worldview. Some of the shit they said about the mind is cryptic as hell too (“there are over 1000 layers to the brain” etc. etc.)