Nintendo Wii: Sold like gangbusters.

64bit Processors: The computing standard.

Battlestar Galactica: Considered one of the greatest sci-fi series of all time.

Facebook: Continues to be the world’s leading social media platform by literally BILLIONS of users.

High Definition: HD only got even more HD.

iPhone: Set the standard for mobile smartphone form factor and function to this day 16 years later.

    1 year ago

    Since I love playing devil’s advocate, here’s a couple of points in their defense:

    Multi-GPU videocards: Pretty much dead, it’s just not efficient.

    64-bit computing: At the time was indeed slightly overhyped because while your OS was 64-bit, most software was still 32-bit, games in particular. So games couldn’t really use more than 4 GB of memory. And that was standard for multiple years after this article (this was 2008, 64-bit Windows had been out for ages, and yet 3 years later the original Skyrim release was still 32-bit. Games having 64-bit binaries included was a huge thing at the time) Now most software is 64-bit and yes, NOW it’s standard.

    High definition: Depends, did they mean HD or Full-HD? Because the former certainly didn’t last long for most people. Full HD replaced it real quick and stayed around for a while. Of course, if they meant Full-HD then hell no, they were hella wrong, it’s been mainstream for a while and only now is being replaced by 1440p and 4K UHD.

    iPhone: The FIRST one as a singular product really didn’t live up to the hype. It was missing features that old dumbphones had. Of course the overall concept very much did revolutionize the phone market.