It seems like nobody is willing here in the US to actually throw themselves into a revolt or meaningful change because our conditions are just good enough.

I still see everyone around me going for the best social status, the best job, the best car, the biggest house, and completely ignoring all the major flashing red lights.

I feel like a crazy person, like one of those people that’s missing the point. I feel surrounded by lunatics and typically that means you’re the crazy one but I just know I can’t be in this situation, it makes no sense.

Why is it like this? Why do I feel surrounded by NPCs? I can’t connect to pretty much anyone here. It all seems so trivial.

I don’t want to sound elitist or anything I just can’t see how people still don’t see the full picture

What to do?

    2 years ago

    I agree with many of your points here, but I am still weary of a lot of your discourse. Especially the “they” classification. Who is “they”? Would I be part of the “they” simply for being an American not by choice? Would American comrades be part of the “they”? Would people that have never been exposed to leftist thought and do not know any better be part of the “they”?

    You just keep mentioning that this group of people, the “they”, believe all these things, when truly it is only the ruling capitalist class. The population is just kept complicit by immense propaganda that serves to protect those capital interests. Do you think that majority of people in the US generally think about or wish to exploit other countries and continents? Or that the people of the US have any method of action that could stop NATO or the IMF in its tracks? To magically fight back against the most extreme state intelligence apparatus in history to stop the horrific actions of their government? They do not. They are as subjugated as the exploited overseas. The only ones who benefit are the capital. So how do they only have themselves to blame?

    You also mention “comfort” and “privilege” many times throughout and how that is preventing people in the US from stepping outside their comfort zone. I’m sorry to tell you, but that is not true at all. That privilege is a shiny fake veneer. There are of course some well off groups of people who live in million dollar homes with lavish luxuries and privilege, but the vast majority of the US population is struggling. Everyday on my drive to class I see countless people living in absolute squalor, children in tattered unwashed clothing, shuttered stores, and brutal policing of the poor. There are swaths of people working 3 full time jobs to barely pay rent and feed their children, massive numbers of people with rotting bodies that are unable to receive basic medical treatment or sanitation, massive homeless populations, and countless more failings of a capitalist system. There is no “short term happiness” here, or do you think those people are happy?

    Their is no “they”, there is only the proletariat and those that oppose them. The people of the US are not your monolithic enemy. They have just been subjugated, brainwashed, and oppressed by the will of capital. So counting 350 million people (an absolutely absurd number), as “acceptable losses” and “deserving of punishment” is cruel and Non-Marxist.

    As Sankara said, we must never stop explaining ourselves and we must never stop fighting. Another group of proletariat are not the enemy, they are instead comrades that have been led astray or oppressed to the point that they cannot fight back. Yes there will be those that will defend capital to their last breath, and those that will not able to be rehabilitated, but that number is minuscule compared to the number that can be saved.