• 21 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 1st, 2022


  • He seems to be a decent candidate comparatively, though. Yeah sure he sucks in some ways but so did/does Bernie.

    I don’t think it’s very beneficial to sit and nitpick whether this guy is the best embodiment of socialism or piss and moan because of online beef with the People’s Party. We could utilize this election as a way to broaden support for socialism (or, like Bernie, at least popularize being against the status quo).

    Yes, he’s said stupid things about the Soviet Union and Reagan. But he still seems like a pretty decent candidate when compared to others in the US, and while he has no chance of winning under the two-party dictatorship, we could use this to give awareness of socialism a boost.

    Correct me if I’m wrong.

  • I don’t know, comrade. I think you have a good point in surveillance being strong and having unity against China/Russia among most of the population, but this is changing. Not only that, but we don’t need absolutely everyone to be on board, right? That’s kind of the point of the vanguard, if I understand correctly. To have a spearhead of the most educated and dedicated revolutionaries lead us to victory in the interest of the proletariat. Of course, the more supporters the better, and we must remain vigilant in maintaining the people’s interest, but it is not required that 51% or whatever magic number of people are properly educated and radicalized.

    Also, if we just sit back and wait for the situation in the global south to get to a point where revolution is viewed as “ripe” in the US, too, we will run out of time. With climate change breathing down our necks, there is no time for waiting. Revolution must happen at some point in the US and no matter what it is going to be incredibly difficult. No sense in waiting until they destroy the world, I say.

    What do you think?

  • I use the Comradeship/Freechat community for venting but

    Yes I agree with you. I live in the United States and not to be dramatic but it does seem rather zombified here. It’s really weird, everyone knows things are going bad, that the “bad guys” are winning, they even make little references or comments about it regarding inflation and how nobody approves of our government. But that’s it, just murmurs. Nothing more. Nobody does anything about it or actually says out loud what the problem is, and that further discourages people who KNOW what the problem is from doing anything, too. It’s a terrible cycle and is bound to collapse soon enough.

    I am with you though it’s so tiring being raised and living in a liberal hellscape lol. Education here is capitalist education, not quality education… it is not for the betterment of humanity or the beauty of learning but to create the most profitable worker.