Account was from 2011 with almost 5000 comments.

I am still unsure how to proceed now. At least gonna edit my comments before deleting my profile.

Still think it would be fun if one of the powerdelete suits could just bloat up every comment to max length with nonsense using GPT

    2 years ago

    I accidentally wandered into a Reddit thread via Googling something (it’s everywhere) and noticed I had gotten mine as well in a message. Looking through it I don’t know how useful it really is to have other than for posterity, but the sad part was in thinking that it was just my comments with no context, and those discussion chains are all but lost. Some probably have missing parts due to deletions, and of course they all would require going to Reddit to even read, unless I can just use the URL to maybe find it in an outside archive?

    I know it’s more than just Huffman behind all this, but I keep thinking of the quote that one person can make a difference. That difference isn’t always a good one, and burning things down is always easier than building.

      2 years ago

      There are datahoarders out there who have complete copies (at least as complete as physically possible) of every post and comment ever put on Reddit, I’ve seen torrents of them. They’re multiple terabytes, though, so I didn’t keep a copy of the link - I’d never download something that big.

      They will be preserved, and perhaps someday live again on some piratical website or in the memory of some shady AI.