We may be anonymous strangers on the internet, but we have one thing in common. We may be a world apart, but we’re here together!

Welcome to the 24 hour pledge!

I’m pledging myself to not drinking today, and invite you to do the same.

For the next 24 hours, let’s not drink alcohol!

(I am hosting the DCI on Reddit this week, so here goes both!)

Happy Sunday SD Family! If this is your first time, don’t worry, I’ll be gentle. 😉. And since is my first time hosting, I’m asking for gentleness in return. 😁 I’m counting down to my one year soberversary on Saturday and so thrilled to be celebrating here with you. I booked this week intentionally in December, partially to give myself a long term goal and commitment. I’m definitely terrified, have crippling stage fright, not sure what to say because so many people have written beautiful DCI’s. I’ve struggled for months thinking of what to bring to the table (it’s April as of this writing) and thought I would share some highlights and horrors from my journey so hopefully each day “speaks” with someone here on the same point… or reinvigorates others. 😁

Today is a bit early for 4 of July celebrations here in the US but some will still have gatherings (my neighborhood has a cookout today). Lots of alcohol will be flowing for sure. Last year I drank soda in front of the neighbors because I didn’t want to be seen as an alcoholic… and promptly started in on imbibing once I got home by myself. 😔 Please share tricks to help us all stay strong this holiday! (Happy belated Canada Day for my friends in the Great White North!)

  • bobaduk@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Well hello, friend. I’m going on six years sober thanks to /r/SD and it just occurred to me that maybe this place exists and needs some more friendly faces, so I’m going to crack open a bottle of rose lemonade and not drink with you all today

    • Zerlyna@lemmy.worldOPM
      2 years ago

      it does need more over here! But I’m not sure if I can promote it on the DCI while hosting this week. That’s one of the few good spots on Reddit. I hope more migrate over.

      • bobaduk@lemmy.world
        2 years ago

        People will find it if they need to. I hope that r/SD continues to function tbh, it’s a great community. If it doesn’t, we’ll be here waiting for the 5th of July regretters.