Excerpt from the dailymail

When police issued a search warrant on his home, a sweatshirt was also seized along with the suspected murder weapon that matched the kind worn by the suspect in the video of Carson’s killing.

Wow so his sweatshirt was just lying around?

Dowling’s home is a five-minute walk from where Carson, 32, was stabbed to death.

Again, extraordinary coincidence

But wait The prosecutor claimed that two witnesses identified Dowling as Carson’s killer from a photo line-up.

So if he was caught on video, why did the prosecutor “claim” this. Sounds fishy already

He was previously described as ‘emotionally and mentally disturbed’, but neighbors have reacted with surprise at the grisly charges, telling DailyMail.com he is the ‘sweetest boy’ who is never normally in trouble.

This whole ordeal just sounds like a hush case intended to let the real perpetrators go scot free. My money is on the girlfriend killing Ryan Carson and pinning it all on the innocent black kid.

Darrell Brooks 2.0

  • Sanity_in_Moderation@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Because you are a fucking moron. He stabbed that man to death while breaking into a car. It is on video. The world is a better place without him in it.

    • Holyginz@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      There is always some gullible idiot doing everything possible to excuse shitty people doing horrible things.