world of warcraft
Factorio, though I’ve only played one game and am only halfway through my second play through (700 hours…) The factory must grow
~3000h in Team Fortress 2. I miss those days.
~2000h in Dota 2. I don’t miss those days.
~700h in Oxygen not included. I still don’t know what I’m doing. It’s one of those games where you think “I’m just gonna do this one thing real quick and then I’m going to bed” and then it’s suddenly 5am.
~500h in Hollow Knight. This is what no Silk Song does to you. Mostly Randomizer, but I just recently beat P5. One of the hardest achievements I got.
~600h in Left4Dead2. Back in the day. I always picked Ellis.
~550h in Apex Legends. Haven’t played in years. Wattson main, even though she sucked back then.
~340h in Payday2. Killing cops while vibing to the soundtrack.
~800h in Rocket League. I think I made it to Diamond I one time, or whatever comes after Gold.
~500h in Overwatch. Hamster main. My team hated me most of the time, even if I did well. (That’s not Steam though).
My top 5:
- World of Warcraft (~16.000h)
- Warframe (~1750h)
- Planetside 2 (~1300h)
- Elden Ring (~430h)
- RDR2 (~360h)
Wow! 16.000h? Incredibile!
For WoW (it’s almost 20 years old now) it’s probably only in the mid-range. I had long breaks in 4 out of the 8 expansions. So you can probably double this amount for the more active players.
Diablo 2
gotta get that anni somehow
Why are you here slacking when you should be pioneering?
After Update 6, my poor laptop could no longer handle the game. So I’m waiting the few years until I can get a new one to play again.
Kerbal Space Program Cities Skyline
This. Plus factorio
Sadly, 7000 hours in CSGO, and over 5000 in TF2 since they were released. A few hundred in Hell Let Loose which is a great game.
+1 for Hell Let Loose. Despite the recent expansion’s hiccups the game is fantastic.
Path of Exile and Diablo 2
Over 1200 hours in Rocket League. I haven’t played in a year but man that game took over my life for many years
The binding of Isaac: Rebirth - 1236h
Payday 2 - 425h
Doom (the original one) - 412h
The Witcher 3 - 265h
Darkest dungeon - 238h
Dark souls 3 - 226h
Devil daggers - 193h
Dead cells - 190h
Mad max - 135h
Hades - 120h
Elden ring - 96h
I imagine you spent more of the time on the original doom playing mods? If so which are you favorite?
I don’t remember the exact name of this mod, but it is project brutality or brutal doom. I also played a lot of the vanilla version of the game on the highest difficulty.
How only 96 hours in ER?
I bought this game a month ago
Carry on then!
Elden Ring, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 3, Hades, World of Warcraft
In steam, Slay the spire, around 900 hours. Few games keep me so engaged after geting 100%, what an amazing game.
Out of steam, League of legends, over 4k hours. 0/10, what an awful experience, wouldn’t recommend, gonna keep doing it probably.