seriously, don’t try answering them, hate simply isn’t in my nature.
I know this is rhetorical but I’m answering anyway.
I think our society generates hate. Our material conditions are worsening and everyone can feel it. I personally have an extreme amount of hate, but my target is authoritarianism. I sometimes feel so angry it feels like my head is going to explode like a supernova and evaporate the entire solar system. I devote a lot of energy to containing this and channeling it into productive efforts but it does leak into my daily life time to time, regrettably. I act rude without thinking and I always feel awful about it the next day.
Imagine if I wasn’t able to determine where to point my anger. I would likely fall back to baser instincts, specifically the “fear of other”, which would then be confirmed and reinforced by media targeting suggestible people. When you lack critical thinking skills, anything that simplifies your model of reality tends to feel valid / truthful. Pointing anger in the wrong direction feels better than having no idea where to point it.
Just my $2. (Two cents ain’t what it used to be.)
Damn. Inflation even got to our opinions too
Rhetorical upvote.
I think you’re exactly right and I think it’s by purposeful design all that hate riling thats going on, to try to distract people so they don’t aim thier hate where you do, because if we all do that, the system changes and the small group of people holding all the money, have to give it back so the rest of us can have basic needs. I think it’s them generating the hate, so people don’t notice the entire problem is them. I could never hurt someone, really, but if I got superpowers, I’d take that trauma on, I know where I’d go first. And it would be bloody. I might even say something like your money or your life, and go all robin hood. But I don’t see superpowers really happening, for me. It’s a nice thought, being able to have our freedom and free everyone else under the purposeful oppression that is capitalism and that capitalism has to generate to survive.
Personally I feel zero hate or anger for anyone or any group and I’m a bit concerned at the amount of hate you’re saying that society feels in general. I’m not special, so what’s the difference? What’s the catalyst?
Trans btw
The catalyst is paying $2000 to live in a shithole. The catalyst is every word I read outside of my shithole apartment being engineered to manipulate me. The catalyst is my government continuously stripping rights from me. The catalyst is the fucking plastic in my fucking blood.
I’m bigender. I think. Not sure.
I think I must be older than you. Being young is tough, but hate is never healthy. Learn to address your issues and conquer your struggles with determination instead of turning your frustrations into unhealthy coping mechanisms. Life doesn’t have to suck, you know.
I don’t think it actually has anything to do with gender, sexuality, skin color, etc. Those groups are just visible targets that are easy to justify targeting. It’s about hateful people having a group of “others” to fight against in order to inflate their own egos and sense of self worth.
Yeah, like Punching down, when you feel oppressed, you find a target to feel like you are better than, to aim your hatred. Unhappy people who feel trapped, under capitalism, finding a way to see the grass is greener on their side of the fence. Shit way to cope, and understanding it doesn’t mean it’s in any way excusable, only that understanding why, is the first step, if we want to question and turn these people back to the light.
Yeah, it’s definitely not excusable behavior. A lot of these people build their own prisons that make them feel trapped.
Just don’t forget that I and countless others have nothing but love for you ❤️
And we’ll fight tooth and nail for your right to exist and your opportunity to be happy
Exactly what I was coming to say. I have nothing but love. Except for transphobic bigots (really any bigot). Fuck those guys!
Reality is a team sport, to some people. They do not understand the concept of truth. They merely accept or reject claims based on interpersonal trust. All mouth noises following that are working backwards to perform loyalty.
This tribalism is humanity’s default. Reasoned argument is a learned behavior. It is crucially important to recognize when people aren’t doing it.
Reject society, embrace
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There some reasons:
- Deviation from the norm is always seen as dangerous for a lot of people. The average man usually is able and will adapt to change but some of them don’t.
- Scarecrow tactics in politics. “Gay and trans people kill the christian family values”, " Gay people mindwash our children" (reference: my country, aka Hungary)
- Others (For example a friend of a friend was at a party, met with a girl and she later on spilled the beans just before the sex act. She was trans and that guy gut furious. Idk him probably he was already a transphobe before)
EDIT: Sry didn’t read the title
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Yeah that’s exactly what I meant with the scarecrow politics, and absolutely agreed.
It’s amazing that so many trans people experience homelessness when they also live rent free in bigots head.
I guess for some people they justify their continued existence through feeling superior to others. And their hatred is an extension of that by othering a group of people with anything they can come up with.
My relatives are a great example of that. As long as they have a group of people to hate and feel superior to, they’re happy.
There’s a reason I say “relatives” rather than “family” here. You choose your family, you can’t choose your relatives. And the way they treated me and others, they are no longer family in my eyes.
And they no longer saw me as family the moment they found out I was queer.
They had found a lightning rod for their hatred in the form of someone they knew. I left that Christmas celebration fearing for my life.
On a happier note, find the family that loves you for you. It will be hard, it might take awhile, but having that family to lean on is something that will add so much positivity to your life. And that positivity is something that all people need.
A lighthouse in the distance on a turbulent sea
Seeing it there brings serenity
The peaceful shelter in your time of need
Hate, the great unifier and equalizer. You needn’t study at the highest of academis. Nor practice with the secluded monk. Hate only requires the most miniscule of efforts to be included in the group. It is easy to hate.
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Why menhera chan so adorable
It’s never about the ‘other’ it’s just finding someone to blame for well, being a dipshit who wants to find someone to blame to begin with. Sexuality is a complex and emotional topic, that doesn’t mesh well with violent shitheads and they lash out. Better and stronger laws are needed so public discord goes ‘DON’T TOUCH THAT’ when someone touches a trans person like when someone touches a candy bar. The general selfishness of many societies where the things are more highly valued than the citizens is pervasie and depressing to no end.
Thank you for your post. I now know to just block blahaj