Hey Rat Punchers, and welcome to the first c/PixelDungeon community newspost and spotlight! These posts summarize community events over the last few months, and provide a good starting point for new readers.

If you’re new here, welcome! c/PixelDungeon is a place to talk strategies, tell stories, or discuss anything related to Pixel Dungeon or its many versions. To sign up, just make an account on Lemmy.world: https://lemmy.world/signup. You can also use an account from any other Lemmy instance that lemmy.world federates with.

Recent News

Although this is c/Pixeldungeon’s first newspost, it’s the 11th one in total. The prior 10 posts were on our previous community on Reddit. That really does set the tone doesn’t it? c/Pixeldungeon has come into existance as a new place for the pixel dungeon subreddit community, hosted by a platform that will hopefully be less abusive to its users.

After some initial turbulence relating to uptime and new registrations on lemmy.world, c/pixeldungeon now seems to have settled into a steady cadence of about 2-3 new posts a day. While I’d certainly like for us to one day get as big as r/pixeldungeon was, I think this is a great start. We’ve off the ground, and hopefully can continue maintaining and growing from here.

One thing I’ve been very happy to see is a strong presence from Pixel Dungeon developers! While I’ve been trying to make weekly posts of my own, there have also been dev announcements from both new and long-standing developers. Even if you ignore my posts, we’re already doing quite well on that front I think. As for general activity, this newspost is a start, but I’ll be seeing about making some megathreads soon to encourage more participation. In the meantime though, here are some of the best posts made in the last few months:

Top Posts

Here are our picks for top posts made in the last few months! There is a max of one post per person per category, and posts from moderators aren’t eligible.

Top Recent [DEVeloper] Posts:

  1. More Info Shattered Pixel Dungeon by @inverse_snake
  2. My mod of shattered pixel dungeon by @elektrochecker
  3. Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.15.3 has been released! by @Trashbox_Bobylev
  4. New Map Editor Mod of Shattered Pixel Dungeon by @AlphaDraxonis

Top Recent [Original Content] Posts:

  1. Traditional Art: Pixel Dungeon Meshi by @onlineworms
  2. Traditional Art: I drew something for Inktober by @cats_hurricane

Top Recent Regular Posts:

  1. Let’s discuss: Ring of Arcana by @GWLexx
  2. So… I tried I ring of wealth run for the first time by @disce_pati
  3. I just started learning how to mod ShatteredPD to make my own PD game and found something I never knew about in the files! by @DonnieBirb
  4. New highest level throwing stone with updated blacksmith rewards by @depresbian
  5. Happy Halloween indeed! Make the Imp wear Christmas hat later, please! by @riomist