Excited to announce v(1.0) of Digi, the future of AI Romantic Companionship, for IOS and Android 🤖Site: http://digi.aiTwitter: @digiaiapp A quick thread on features, and where we go from here (1/13)
According to the Twitter thread, they literally hired some ex-Pixar animators to create the avatars. The creator claims that this is to avoid the uncanny valley lol
why does it look like a pixar character and have all of the mannerisms of one too? who finds this appealing???
According to the Twitter thread, they literally hired some ex-Pixar animators to create the avatars. The creator claims that this is to avoid the uncanny valley lol
Lmao at “we’re the first ones to solve the uncanny valley” tweet
When you understand the uncanny valley.
They don’t even understand AI
Uhhhh don’t look up all the erotic fan art of Pixar characters. For your own sanity.
What I hear you saying is don’t look so I can hold to my vows of no bussin’.