For instance, I have an aunt who is definitely MAGA, and is flirting with Q-Anon ideas. However, she has pretty good views on the environment and animal rights. For instance, after travelling to Ecuador, she donates to some Ecuadorian land trust run by locals. However, if you start talking to her about the border or gender, she goes full Orbán.

  • CloutAtlas [he/him]
    9 months ago

    My uncle still hates Deng for ruining communism and regrets the sino-Albanian split.

    He also dislikes the PC police for erasing the fact that Mao smoked cigarettes and complains that portrayals of Mao these days doesn’t include him with cigarette in hand anymore.

    He’s certain Maoists could have led another protracted People’s war against Dengists and believes Shanghai and Shenzhen and that are capitalist hellscapes. Xi has been the only secretary of the CPC he has liked in decades. And even then it’s critical support.

    Spring Festival every fucking year he has a hot take about X host or comedian or actor in the Gala looks gay. He also chain smokes indoors while drinking 二锅头 and it makes the room smell like rubbing alcohol poured into an ashtray.

    I mean at least his brain worms are mostly better than western brainworms (obviously aside from the homophobia and some racism towards south Asians), it’s just that he’s more critical of AES nowadays in a boomer way than he is critical of western imperialism (which he definitely is against, but when he complains it’s about like how North Korea has strayed from Leninism or how breakfast 馒头 costs too much these days 80% of the time and America bad 20%). He’s also critical of China’s reluctance to intervene in global politics, if it were up to him, the People’s Liberation Army should have been deployed to defend the revolution in Burkina Faso or Argentina like how Mao sent troops to defend the DPRK against the 美国鬼子. I keep saying “hey look maybe not getting involved in foreign conflicts like the late USSR is a good thing” but he still thinks the Soviets, for all their faults, could have won Afghanistan if they tried harder.

    • CloutAtlas [he/him]
      9 months ago

      Also he forgets to vote for the People’s Congress then complains how liberal the local People’s Congress are. Like uncle Chen, you actively forget or are too hung over to vote in municipal elections, that’s part of the reason Maoists aren’t getting elected as much as centrists. You refuse to buy groceries made by private companies if there is a state owned alternative every time you go shopping but you won’t even vote? You’re a fucking CPC member, it’s like registering to vote then choosing not to.

      • star_wraith [he/him]
        9 months ago

        I would love more Uncle Chen stories.

        I feel the way towards him as I do towards a lot of leftcoms: I don’t agree but I respect where they’re coming from. I don’t disagree with the principles but rather just the pragmatism (like you said, dude probably would have started WW3 if he was in charge).

        • CloutAtlas [he/him]
          9 months ago

          He would bathe twice a week until like 2005 because he thought domestic hot water was decadent and should sparsely be used. For most of his life, communal bathhouses were the norm in our part of China, so he’d go there every other day and just use cold water and soap if he couldn’t be bothered. I have vague memories of some of the last ones in Wuhan being phased out in the late 90’s so there was a few years there where my aunt would have to put up with terrible odour from the chain-smoking alcoholic, esp since how humid Wuhan is in the summer. Also it turns out lye soaps aren’t too good for the skin after prolonged use, he had dry ass skin until my cousin swapped him over to some softer soaps.

      • CloutAtlas [he/him]
        9 months ago

        His hardline anti Coca-Cola stance (that the version sold in China has been altered and is an American ploy to sterilize the Chinese people to maintain hegemony, the version Americans drink and appear in film is to lure us into thinking it’s safe) is actually so absurd it’s kinda funny. Like none of the scientists and doctors in China has noticed this massive conspiracy, it’s just his gut feeling. He’s let go of that theory in recent years but still maintains it’s bad for you (which is true, but for a chain smoker who drinks 65% ABV grain alcohol, is kind of a moot point).

        He does have a soft spot for Pizza Hut. I don’t know why, but he likes 洋饼子 (literally “foreign pancakes”). He has that in common with Gorbachev but he didn’t like it when I pointed it out.

        I guess people of a certain age turn into conspiracy nuts or become a crank to internally justify why things are different and scary in [current year], but a fundamental understanding of the immortal science of Marxist-Leninism inoculates you against the worse, liberal strains of brainworms. He’s out here rocking moderate cowpox while American boomers have full blown smallpox.

        • immuredanchorite [he/him, any]
          9 months ago

          idk, your uncle sounds like he has contradictory beliefs for sure… but other than the standard boomer shit that sucks, like homophobia and racism, he sounds way cooler than like 90% of the people I know in the imperial core.

          the coca-cola conspiracy shit is awesome. its like a communist version of fluoride conspiracy theories in the US that cause dental carries, except the end result is dissuading people from drinking shit that is actually horrendously bad for their health anyway. Your uncle is fighting type two diabetes and an American symbol of consumerism all at once. o7 o7

      • CloutAtlas [he/him]
        9 months ago

        He probably would have sparked WW3 by immediately launching a full scale invasion of Taiwan immediately after Korea and giving the Naxalites in India an atomic bomb. Potentially would have sent troops to Peru to support Shining Path (I actually don’t know his position on Peruvian revolutionaries, but as far as I know, he isn’t too versed on Gonzalo thought).

      • CloutAtlas [he/him]
        9 months ago

        While I would like to see the timeline where China deploys 1,000,000 personnel to avenge Sankara, I don’t think it’s pragmatic in ours.

      • CloutAtlas [he/him]
        9 months ago

        I mean the interventionist takes are kinda insane, you can’t just give a nuke to the Maoist guerrillas in India and not have international repercussions that may or may not lead to WW3.

        Also China not rapidly building up market forces in the late 20th century and early 21st to become too powerful to be checked by the west is in retrospect a good thing, as it has allowed us to lift millions out of poverty. Especially post USSR, our economic entanglement with the west stopped them from trying any drastic colour revolutions else their own shareholders lose value from their investments in the emerging Chinese markets. I can see China chugging along without Dengism, like Cuba has up until now, but I also see the massive improvements to rail, healthcare, spaceflight, computing and defense that may not have been possible without market reforms.

        Ultimately, my uncle is a man of many contrasts.

      • CloutAtlas [he/him]
        9 months ago

        Compared to my much more liberal cousin (which in China isn’t THAT liberal, she just has a small business importing western products for 富二代 in China), he’s pretty good, it’s just kind of off beat considering he gets dragged into ridiculous conspiracy theories, is homophobic and has some “well back in my day” moments like your usual chud western uncle, and then in a separate breath would drop incredible insight like “If America stops funding the Hong Kong riots, it’d die out within a week” (in like July 2019, he called it) or “Argentina’s problem is they tried to play nice with liberals instead of having a Vanguard party” re: Pinochet. His takes are either incredibly correct, incredibly interventionist, or incredibly not even close to based in reality.

          9 months ago

          I say this as someone who is becoming progressively more Maoist in my thinking, that is seems very on point for Maoism. Getting a bit caught up in what is or is not reactionary thought or capitalist influence to the point of getting lost in the weeds. You either end up like that, or like the CPP (Philippines) super LGBTQ inclusive

      • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
        9 months ago

        The USSR may have survived for longer if it were more agressive, but it would be remembered for its imperialism and fairly regarded as a betrayal of what it stood for, not just by western propaganda but by communists too.

        I’m sorry but this is absolute nonsense to me. Even today you have people already purposedly misusing the interpretation of Imperialism to claim Russia and even China are imperialist countries.

        By this same logic nobody would ever claim China is imperialist and guess what? There is a non-negligable amount of “weak”(in terms of theory understanding) Marxists at best and just straight up western “socialists” at worst claiming this.

        And in their mind it makes no difference whether its China, Russia or even Iran. Heck I’ve seen some even claim Brazil. Claiming the USSR shouldn’t have done something because of modern reputation only makes sense if you ignore the actual reality of today, and that reality? Imperialism is already reaching woke status among libs, it lost its meaning and it just represents “when countries go to war or act on their self-interest”.