To all full-grown hexbears, NO DUNKING IN MY THREAD…ONLY TEACH, criminal scum who violate my Soviet will be banned three days and called a doo doo head…you have been warned

    • Awoo [she/her]
      9 months ago

      Once nationalism is destroyed in a person they become incredibly easy to talk to about socialism though, they lose the kind of anti-tankie brainworms that exist and start taking internationalist stances. It’s so easy to reach someone that has genuinely not got nationalist brainworms.

      If we could figure out a strategy as reliable at breaking this down as, for example, the strategy that has reduced military recruitment… Things would really start cooking for us.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        9 months ago

        It’s a division of the international working class into sub-groups that are then pitted against one another. If you take the perspective that racism is used within a country to divide the various groups of workers up into identity groups that are then made to fight one another internally it is the same tactic but at an international scale. Skin colour and sexuality as identity groups is just substituted for national flags as identity groups. Same old story, divide the working class up to fight each other, and rule them.