Praising nazism and blaming jews, yeah…

If only the DDR still exists…

Hoi4 was a mistake

A B*lt. European enemies Aka Brown Baddies and Ruzzian mongol asiatic hordes

  • Bury The
    1 year ago

    You can very easily find places with hordes of self proclaimed nazis on the internet, yet average Westerners have a hard time believing that places such Ukraine could have a legitimate Nazi problem.

      1 year ago

      places with hordes of self proclaimed nazis on the internet,

      It’s all Russian bots silly tankie

    1 year ago

    i have yet to see “countryball” content that isn’t just nazi/US propaganda

    1 year ago

    I’m absolutely not watching that, but if the title is any indication, then the creator is just a Nazi straight up. Not just a generic fascist, which I’m not implying would be better, but specifically a Nazi.

    And again without watching that brainrotting soup, I would venture to guess that he knows the history here, at least to the point that it’s convenient maybe, depending just how deep in the Nazi-hole he is. Because it cannot be a pure accident that you title and, I assume, make a video from the pro-Nazi, literally their propaganda, version of events.

    There is no, and I mean NO, way around the simple fact that the “men who stopped communism” were fascists…Nazis in Germany. This is actually one of the easiest way to trip up a liberal with fascist tendencies. Ask them if they know why the Nazis came along. Maybe they paid some attention or read a book. They’ll give you the post-WWII sanitized and kind of whitewashy reasoning of “WWI fucked up the German economy and the sanctions and reparations demanded from the rest of the world completely ruined them and took their pride blah blah blah and Hitler said he’d get their pride back and a couple other things. What were those other things? Ah, who could say. Who knows? The point is they were justified in their anger!” I’m taking some creative liberties there, but I think that general sentiment with a couple edits is how a lot of liberals (and conservatives really), at least the ones in the US who I can speak on, view the period between the signing of treaty at Versailles to end WWI and the invasion of Poland beginning WWII.

    The funny thing about that narrative, or one aspect anyway, is the complete non-mention of the most fucking important political developments in Germany during that time. That’s right, the rise of socialist and communist parties and strong trade unions. They seem to VERY CONVENIENTLY forget that the right wing reactionaries in the form of the fascists and Nazis were a, well, REACTION to the left wing gaining ground politically with the workers. Germany was ripe for revolution and the question was basically communism or fascism in the end. Obviously we know how that went. And we know why. And this creator knows why too, based at least on the title of the video. His viewpoint seems to be not that this was objectively fucking horrible for Germany, the world, Jewish populations in Europe, the Soviet Union, etc. (all in the short term. Long term it lead to the rise of “the fourth reich aka the USA. Another thing he probably thinks is good though) but that it was GOOD AND BASED for those Nazis to purge the trade unionists and communists and socialists. Sadly, many people agree 100% with this take. Perhaps many will say the racial elimination policies which also came along with it and the entire Nazi ideology of conquering Europe and into Russia for the “great Aryan race” or whatever was too far/evil, but many many too fucking many agree totally with the idea of purging, killing, and destroying anyone tangentially connected to socialism or broadly “the left” (including anarchists. I always feel for our unshowered, less educated brethren when reading through the late 1800s-mid 1900s era).

    My dog is bugging me for a walk now, so I’ll end my rant-novel. But I find it peak 🤌 irony or just darkly humorous to see liberals, who will call themselves “on the left,” quoting that famous poem which ends, we all know, “Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

    Of course they forget the beginning of it: “First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist”

    The entire history of WWII and the rise of the Nazis and the destruction they wrought on the world is contained pretty succinctly within that text, and yet… they ignore it. I mean they do love quoting it. But do they really think about it and what it means? Do they care about the first pieces? It mentions the Jewish people and the Holocaust, undeniably evil and another topic I know unfortunately too much on in detail, but do they give a shit about what preceded the Holocaust? The reason the perpetrators had the power to do it? I’d venture to say, based on the standard Westerner’s anti-communist outlook that NO they do not fucking care about the history and just what Nazis started out targeting. That part is ignored, I’d argue, because they fucking agree with the Nazis on that part!

    *(Which, for the record, obviously was very bad for the German workers. You’d think perhaps the US/EU would’ve learned a lesson from the rise of right wingers in Germany when you absolutely destroy a people’s material conditions and leave them hopeless, but hey! Lessons are for nerds.)

    And of course one full version of that poem because even though it’s perhaps overquoted, it’s worth another read in light of videos like this one existing and seeing in the words of someone who lived through the times. As I said above, it really does sum up Nazi ideology/their goals and origins into a dark but artful piece of writing. It’s really too bad and disappointing that so many completely overlook the entirety of the text and the story it tells. There’s a few English translation versions, but here’s one:

    First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist

    Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist

    Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist

    Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew

    Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me