she/her, marxist-leninist

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • i’m a regular user and have also struggled with dependency of it, i believe it should be completely legal and available to the same degree alcohol is. additionally, all people with criminal charges relating to it should be released from prison and have those charges removed. it can absolutely be used responsibly such as alcohol can be, and it is significantly less harmful than alcohol and other vices commonly found in society. if someone is allowed to have a drink at the end of the day or at a gathering with others, i don’t see a reason why they shouldn’t be allowed to also smoke at the end of the day or with others. obviously it can also be used irresponsibly, and i know what that’s like personally. but i also know that irresponsible use is almost always a symptom of a greater issue in someones life (unmitigated health issues, anxiety, depression, etc) that can be solved. i honestly have yet to hear a reason why cannabis should be criminalized that isn’t about overuse or about children using it way too early in their lives (which is harmful but can be avoided with ACTUAL education that isn’t just drug war propaganda from the DEA). also, it should be properly regulated in terms of production to maintain certain standards of quality (e.g keeping dangerous additives out of vape cartridges).

  • i know there’s kinda a meme around it but psilocybin mushrooms genuinely changed the way i see myself and those around me. i’ve only done “heavier” doses at more pivotal moments in my life and in those moments i have been able to navigate a lot of difficult stuff with their guidance.

    tough breakups, depressive and anxious episodes, these are things i would normally struggle with navigating but the kind of paradigm shift that comes with psychs has helped show me the errors in my ways or what i should do more of. recently i’ve been a lot more sociable than i ever have been in my entire life and i think a part of that is because of a trip i had earlier this year. in my journey of exploring gender expression as well, they have helped me realize i can be as masculine as i want while still identifying as a woman. they are an incredibly effective introspective and self-analysis tool and i really can’t underestimate how much they’ve benefitted me personally.

    also, tripping and thinking about marxism has shown me more of the inherent flaws of capitalism and sometimes has given me optimism for socialism in the future.