Been on a nostalgic cartoon kick lately re-watching some of the old both Chinese and Western ones I enjoyed. But I never watched any Soviet cartoons having not grown up in the USSR, but I want to! Can anyone make any recommendations? Especially if it has animal characters because that’s kind of my jam.
its kinda like Soviet tom and jerry with a wolf and rabbit
Thank you!
Hell yeah!!!
I remember someone from a post-soviet country showing me Hedgehog in the Fog and being like “That’s what a Soviet childhood looked like! We only had depressive entertainment! Traumatic!” (they were born many years after the USSR collapsed lol) I personally think it’s interesting, albeit dark in some places, though the artistic medium is definitely worth a shot, as it had many interesting effects such as the segment with the tree.
i gotta ask, is it dark dark or simply doesn’t have exploding colors to trigger all them dopamines in our brain and steal our attention?
Ah ha, well both really. It has a dark atmosphere visually and the storyline is about getting lost, some existential questions iirc, etc.
One of the many things Americans must learn about the world is that not all cartoons are cheap entertainment for kids
Ah ha, well both really. It has a dark atmosphere visually and the storyline is about getting lost, some existential questions iirc, etc.
Such is life in the Zone, and that’s nooo good!
Such is life in the Zone
I’m suddenly reminded of the Stalker movie, which specifically used black and white for “outside”, and full colour for the Zone
Thank you!
Hedgehog in the Fog is so good!
It (and other Soviet cartoons) helped inspired Hayao Miyazaki, if you’re interested in Studio Ghibli films.
And speaking of recommendations, I heard the Soviet Treasure Island cartoon from 1988 is pretty good. Didn’t watch it myself yet.
Thank you so much!
Here it is full and subtitled. Step aside Kubrick, this is what true kino looks like.
The video you linked is blocked in the United States for copyright : (
Gena the Crocodile
An extremely wholesome and heartwarming series about an anthropomorphic alligator who works at the zoo and wants nothing more then to make some friends. The humor is very well done.
The songs are also beyond catchy.
Thank you! My queue is getting longer and I love it!
i grew up on gena the crocodile and cheburashka. i still think its the best and cutest.
Same here, Ну, погоди! and Крокодил Гена were a massive part of my childhood, and they are absolutely incredible.
I still go back and listen to his birthday song each year on my birthday.
ну, погоди! was so good. i had the little game version where you collected the eggs and i played it more than anything else lol
Secret of The Third Planet is one of my favorites! Very strange with fantastic animation and visuals!
Thank you!
This movie is excellent, we watched it recently on one of the Hexbear movie nights. There’s also some live action scenes mixed in that are hilarious, no animal characters though.
Damn I need to join in on one of those movie nights!
I believe that was anime movie night which is on Saturdays. We’re watching Oppenheimer and a
claymation movie tonight if you’re interested, main feature will be starting shortly.
Thank you!
Interplanetary Revolution The grandaddy of Soviet animation from 1924.
Hedgehog in the Fog I’ve always found this one oddly beautiful.
The Millionaire Kind of includes a dog, from 1963.
Thank you!
I just watched the Millionaire and that was simply amazing! thank you for posting
AMBA is a pretty good sci fi cartoon
Isn’t that technically post-soviet?
Oh you’re right, misremembered when it came out. Does have a soviet feel to it though.
Umka is a pretty popular one. I think every Russian kid has watched it at some point.
Thank you!
Винни Пух is the Eastern European Winnie the Pooh, I forget which country produced it, but when my grandma first got internet, she would show me old episodes of it, cool art style, I think it’s from the late 50s or 60s, I highly recommend it
I love Vinnie Puh!
That Dr. Livesey meme comes from a Soviet adaptation of treasure island, the whole thing is bonkers, it’s great.
Yes! A chance to see the source material before I learn about the meme!
Russian Winnie the Pooh is pretty great.
A number of good ones is already mentioned, but one is oddly missing: There are 3 soviet movies, and one post-Soviet. Ignore the latter. Obligatory animal characters included.
Polygon is cool.
Thank you!
Kuzya the little domovoy. I sadly don’t know if it has subtitles (in case of a language barrier). It has multiple animal characters and even a couple sentient trees
Thank you!
Having thought about it, here’s a whole series. The Merry Carousel!