Possibly correct answers lol
Possibly correct answers lol
I’d like to thank Nissan for having worse paint than my Subaru.
+1 for Halls and Death Must Die is also quite fun.
Yes. Intentionally though.
Old totals from who knows when
I had to add original to get it to come up before 3 pages deep. 😟
The worst part about this movie is you can’t even see the original in search results anymore. Like it never existed.
If you don’t use the rainbow gradient fill, are you even word arting? Warting?
As a MU fan i thought you were being super nice to us until i finished. Good form.
Side question: Are you exposing your pihole externally?
Today kids, we’re going to talk about The Straw Man.
Rich immigrant daddy.
Wait… What? Holy fuck i had no idea.
They are also fully embracing the good old firehose of propaganda. Wonder where they got that idea from.
Hey hey no logic allowed here
I need you to stop. Just stop and think for one second. Did you think about the share holders at all today or were you too busy thinking about yourself? I bet your greedy self centered ass didn’t think once about the shareholders. Disgusting.
They survived Baggio blowing that pen. They can survive anything.
I’m also maxing out my connection now… At roughly 5 up.
And then died living off social security and Medicare.