You left out the end: "Modifications are to
- be distributed as patches to the released version. Permission to
- distribute binaries produced by compiling modified sources is granted,
- provided you"
You left out the end: "Modifications are to
The biography of Richard Stallman is a good read
Not everyone owns a car or a driver’s permit
The kernel looking at my silly little processes doing silly little process things
I don’t qet why so many downvotes, this was a nice video I discovered some good apps so thanks for sharing. I guess make it an invidious link next time to calm the fediverse elitists.
American tech?
Its crazy how long some dreams can be in so little real life time
Trop cool! C’est vrai que ca doit être très bruyant par contre
Minecraft is different because it uses a client and server pattern, separating the physics and display loops completely
Fait attention avec le surligneur si tu veux cacher une info! Il y a de grande chances que le texte soit toujours “visible” même s’il ne l’est plus à l’oeuil nu en changeant la luminosité ou le contraste. Il faut utiliser un carré/ligne opaque pour éviter cette situation :)
Les addresses ipv6 sont bloquées aussi ?
Yeah and a lot of cool stuff on ergonomic keyboards too
Heck yeah!
Do they make stuff like this for men?
How much does that cost
Un mètre et demi de distance! Et ne te rabat pas trop tôt sinon tu vas risquer sa vie.
I think its because people who wishlisted will get a notification to buy it once its out, boosting the game’s sales at launch, giving it a better chance to be featured on the front pages