• 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • We are different people. You think we need to vote for Biden to save the world from Trump as if it’s going to make a significant difference in our trajectory. You’ve admitted that you are invested in this electoral farce while also admitting that both Biden and Trump are our enemies. You’ve admitted that you agree Biden is pushing us further towards a global catastrophe yet you’ve stressed the importance of voting for him? That’s a confused position and you need to interrogate that further.

    I understand viewing voting as another battleground that we can’t abandon, and if that’s your opinion I agree with you there. But that does not indicate that we corrale and gaslight working people who are actively being harmed by one fascist to vote for the other fascist. In addition, the majority of participants here think it’s delusional to dedicate the majority of our efforts towards electoralism. It’s also masochistic to be emotionally invested in this charade of voting for people who actively and enthusiastically betray us.

    I’m really not trying to be rude here, so I’m sorry for the bluntness of my text. If you consider yourself a socialist and not a liberal, well, that’s perplexing to me because you seem invested in liberalism. If you are a liberal, then why are you here on a communist forum trying to argue with us? If you’re curious about communist thought then you could choose to learn and observe. If you wanna engage in discussion or even a debate, then at least attempt to engage in good faith (you’re the one here calling us names). Even if you don’t agree with us, you’ll hopefully better understand where we’re coming from.

  • Both are actively driving us further towards WW3, climate catastrophe, genocide, and absurd inflation. Biden has been a bigger enemy to working people than Trump has been in several ways, and of course Trump worse than Biden in other ways too. They both represent different factions of the ruling class who may have disagreements with each other, but are unified in oppressing the global proletariat. To pretend like Biden is a serious safeguard to rising American fascism ignores the ways Biden and Democrats have not only actively encouraged and partnered with the most extreme elements of the Republican Party but also engage in fascist politics of their own. Biden’s function is not to stop Trump. His function is to stop revolution. They are twin heads of a single snake.

    Working Americans are hopeless unless they can dispel with the fiction that the Democrats ever gave a shit about them.

  • Just gonna drop this, for the sake of all the new people coming to this instance

    For anyone that wants an anti-imperialist commentary on the background and aftermath of the Korean War, read the book Patriots Traitors and Empires.

    Just one of the nuggets in the book that you’ll learn is that Kim Il-Sung was actually willing to entertain the idea of a unified Korea but with two political systems as long as the American military gtfo. Of course America obstructed that peace deal and many others.

    The Korean people on both sides of the peninsula are more than capable of figuring out what reunification looks like without further Yankee meddling or Western concern trolling.

  • It’s becoming clearer and clearer that the US military and defense is not capable of what it once was even a decade ago. Privatization efforts have caught up and rotted it from the inside and it’s likely gonna be revealed soon that they don’t even have the capacity to sufficiently staff their 800 military bases. People simply aren’t signing up to be meat pawns for them anymore. Their Middle East adventures have lost them all credibility with Gen Z, and even if most of the US populace drinks the koolaid when it comes to Russia-Ukraine they’re still not gonna voluntarily enlist to die for the cause themselves. That’s another major reason why the US now gets the people of other countries to fight their battles for them.

    The US would need a draft of their own populace and given the legacy of Vietnam and every one of their military failures since, a draft for the purposes of battling China would incite enormous unrest. I don’t think the people here would stand for it. And to crack down on such dissent they would have to majorly crack down on the populace using the military they’re trying to get people to join… an incredibly asinine thing to do while attempting to start a world war with a shrinking economy, lagging technology, and record unpopularity of their political system.

    Like, I wouldn’t put it completely past the most violent politicians and string pullers of the US to do something that enormously stupid. But that’s what it would be: enormously stupid. It might be the one thing that would actually launch a united revolution against them.