
  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Also in 1993, when I just entered elementary school, I got a used Amiga 500 from my Grandpa!
    He was a mason and didn’t know anything about tech or such - but he was wise enough to see that I was a very curious kid and getting into this tech stuff could be a good idea.

    When I first got the Amiga, I saw it was a bit similar to the thing my Mom used to play games on (a C64 I think).
    I plugged in all the stuff whatever way seemed right. When I turned everything on, the screen showed this symbol and it looked just like things I had in this box I got. I remembered the cassette tapes we had to put into my Moms device to play games, and it turns out those disks just work the same! Well, almost - you didn’t have to rewind them every time! :)

    I tried many of the games, some were really complicated, some were only in English. But I had a lot of fun playing the ones I understood and messing around with the ones I didn’t.
    Some of my favourite games back then were Lemmings, Wikinger 1 & 2 (from a German publisher), Deuteros (which I only managed to finish/beat many years later), MegaTraveller 2, Test Drive, Kick-Off and Battle Chess. But there were so many good ones :)

    The workbench thing was also in English, but then I remembered that I also got two books! By trial and error, and with help from the books I got a hang of it. Eventually I even started writing some shell scripts (oh god, Shell was so much better than CLI) and had my first attempts at Amiga BASIC!

    Grandpa claims that back then he laid the ground works for me becoming a software developer, by getting me that Amiga 500 - and he’s probably right!

  • Used to be addicted to only coffee but an Ireland trip introduced me to the idea of tea with milk.
    Now it’s coffee during working hours, Yorkshire tea with (vanilla soy) milk otherwise.

    I am addicted to coffein and really like the taste of (milky) tea
    I can also justify my addiction with the various health benefits from both coffee and tea (which even complement each other a bit).

    I also have some green matcha tea occasionally, or a Matcha Latte, as I find the taste of matcha rather intriguing.

  • It can be more confusing than you think at first, all the N/D/L stuff, some then also have 1/2/3, which “gear” to you start the car in, what to do when you come to a full stop (nothing, doh), …

    The very first time I sat behind one was to drive a family friend home who drunk a bit too much, with his own car… I was a bit overwhelmed
