☭ Comrade Pup Ivy 🇨🇺

  • 11 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • I understand where you are coming from, and I fully understand that we often spend too much time arguing long after the point where it is obvious the conversation is fruitless. That being said, the revolution is atleast one part education, and if I can find it agian, I will piput the Castro Quote here, but I feel we ought to engage, just a little. I would immagine most of us where at one point in time liberals, due to the society around us, but we changed we learned and we grew, and this is a fundamental part of the human condition. I am under no illussions of grandure here that arguing on the internet is the best way to educate, or that we touch many hearts, generally education, especially when dealing with adults and older children happens best when there is a rapport and trust with the teacher, but that being said, every so often maybe 1% of the time maybe a little more, something we say, some link we leave will get lodged into someone’s head, and they will think about it, and they might just come around. I understand it isn’t ideal, and it isnt “fun” and there are more effective manners of education but this is the what we we can do with the tools presented to us.

    Now please dont read what I said as that somehow the liberals of the imperal core are the most important to educate, they are not, as you said pragmaticly the periphery is more fertile to this, but that being said, I dont think in my personal oppinion this means totally ignoring liberals from the imperial core.