Ship 34 raptor vacuum engine
Ship 34 raptor vacuum engine
25 launches in '25 is not going to happen. I wonder how the FAA feels about having to divert aircraft after the ship was lost and what delay that will bring. It’s going to be fun to see the development beyond the suborbital flights though.
The game is cancer and you won’t find a partner if you play it?
You can have categories?!
Connections Puzzle #573 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪
I didn’t have too much trouble.
Clams might be from the Flintstones and I know I’ve heard it used for money. I had a hunch then that smacker was also money but had too search to be sure.
Too America-centric for me today
Vad är då syftet med lagen? Varför är det inte bara en rekommendation?
Poängen är att det får mig att fundera på om folk faktiskt kommer lagföras när värre saker ignoreras. Som de säger i artikeln
Men det är sällan personer blir straffade för att ha gjort fel, säger Yvonne Augustsson.
Folk här slänger sopsäckar med skräp ute på gatan, tror ingen kommer bry sig om kläder hamnar lite fel
Drones are controlled by varying the speed of the motors while helicopters are controlled by varying the pitch of the blades at various points in the rotation. If a motor fails on a drone then it’s lost, there is no way of controlling it. The helicopter rotor will spin while falling and the pilot can then mechanically control the pitch of the blades purely mechanically which gives some control.
The change of pitch in the helicopter rotor throughout the rotation can be seen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0shLv2_Rtnc
Could it be the dampers? When you slow down or brake the weight will shift forward which will move the dampers. Does it also happen when accelerating?
Psych reference?
Hopefully it means a reduced mass since the booster doesn’t need any landing legs which means more performance. The idea is that boosters should be quickly reusable, basically landing and being refueled before flying again. That would take more time with a separate landing location
You mean Magic Head?
You don’t
I think you would want to find a new form factor to really utilise the flexibility. I feel like this is now just a flimsy arduino where you can’t really explore the flexibility.
Like using horizontal connectors or even have connectors for flex cables
Not something I would try to hand-solder. Not something that feels relevant for me as a hobbyist either, although it’s very cool.