Oi bruv, empty yo pockets innit ye. Gimme all yo coins fam.

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • I just got out of a laze of a few weeks. I wasn’t really able to do much besides very barebones party work. Well now that I think about it…I think partywork was really the only reason I was even leaving my house for a bit. I’m back to the outside world, I replied to a bunch of my penpals finally, and I’m semi back to dating after like a 2 year hiatus. I’m talking to someone whose on a break with their partner, but they did talk through it with eachother, so I don’t feel as bad about it. I’m probably leaning towards something casual, but who knows. I’ll probably go for a smoke then hit the gym tonight with a friend.

    I’m back to school next month, and with that, I can get back to my free therapy. I’m excited for that more than anything.

  • For anyone whose really interested in what Becker said, go to the 1 hour and 24 minute mark and watch the whole section. Becker never says that he’s opposed to multipolarity, but that multipolarity as an end all be all is not what socialists should strive for. He asks the question "How can we make radical change in America by saying ‘Vladimir Putin is our leader?’, which is a very salient point. He goes on to say that we should strive for socialist leadership in all of our countries. What is so off about that? Seriously?

    The point about the WW1 and multipolarity is making the point that multipolarity alone doesn’t end war. Multipolarity between capitalist powers is still destructive.

    Rainer Shead is really good at finding convenient quotes from revolutionaries and diluting it to hell and back. He cites Kim il Sung saying “The differences of state socio-political systems, political views or religious beliefs can by no means be an obstacle in the way of joint struggle against U.S. imperialism”, but just thinking about it for like 20 seconds, this obviously wouldn’t mean supporting reactionary states against the US for the pure sake of it. Would Kim il Sung have supported Hitler? Obviously not.

    This dude misses so often.