I’m getting My Immortal flashbacks…
I’m getting My Immortal flashbacks…
In a democracy, voters are responsible for who gets elected.
Shape shifter makes half of these redundant. I pick that, teleport, and electric control.
I’ll just leave this here.
Not really. You just interpreted it in a less shitty way than intended.
Voltaire never said that. He lived under a monarchy, so it wouldn’t have made sense if he did. That quote was made up by a neo nazi and falsely attributed to him.
Then say that instead. That’s a common saying most people are aware of. I’ve seen Silicon Valley types promise all kinds of shit before, so this just fits right in.
It’s a computer program that turns the hard work of artists and utterly ridiculous amounts of water into samey, uncanny abominations. To compare that to the moon landing? I don’t even have words for that.
Even in a hypothetical utopia, the thought of a sea of slop drowning the creative world makes my skin crawl. Imagine putting your heart and soul into something only to watch some machine liquify it into an ugly paste in a nanosecond, then it goes on to do the same thing a million times in a row. It’s hard enough to get noticed in this world, and now every passion project has to compete with the diseased inbred freak clones of other passion projects? It makes me feel so goddamn angry that some asshole felt the need to invent such a thing, and for what? What problem does it solve? Why do you need to use up a cities worth of water to make a six fingered Sailor Moon?
They actually already did change the rating for the virtual console release of Red/Blue. I always thought it was stupid, because the game corner was explicitly run by the bad guys.
Channel Awesome was run by a guy named Mike Michaud, who was a really shit boss. Pretty much anything you expect HR to do is something he neglects. Harassment was rampant, contributors were scripted into situations that they weren’t comfortable with, nobody was notified about massive changes to the site, the works. Some stayed quiet because they feared retribution from man child Mike, others were either fired or quit in protest. This all bubbled up for years until a 70 Google doc detailing every single instance of neglect and hostility that went on behind the scenes was published, at which point CA collapsed like cheap cardboard. The document is freely available online, but since you’re looking for a short version, I’ll just summarize thusly:
Mike Michaud is a parasite that feeds on content creators and gives nothing in return. Also, his stench attracts roaches.
Everyone here is talking about fandoms they left because the fans were toxic, but the worst fandom I’ve been in is that because I can’t even think about it anymore without cringing: Channel Awesome. Just knowing what was going on behind the scenes makes me I wish I could refund the hours I spent watching the Nostalgia Critic.
One time I said AI porn was unethical (because it is) and people here thought I was calling for a ban on all porn. At no point did I say that porn was unethical as a rule, and if I did believe that I wouldn’t have mentioned AI at all.
Miyamoto is not the current president of Nintendo and hasn’t been for a while. These days he’s a guy who walks into your office to see what you’re doing with the characters he created 35 years ago and says “good job” or “nah, I don’t think that fits the spirit of the series”. Blaming him for corporate policy is somewhat nonsensical.
Couldn’t you just, you know, use the snipping tool?
They spent billions of dollars trying to convince voters not to vote for the guy who would enact it. All the people had to do was vote, and they wouldn’t do it. This is not on them, it’s on America.
When I was a kid I didn’t know the word “Matinee” so I would always misread it as “Manatee”, which turned this strip into a really weird non-sequitor.
Considering who’s pushing it the hardest, it probably is.
Front facing deer aren’t real. They can’t hurt you.
Front facing deer: