Hallo, bims 1 der 3 Menschen, die Piraten gewählt haben und wollte fragen: Was sind 5%?
Hallo, bims 1 der 3 Menschen, die Piraten gewählt haben und wollte fragen: Was sind 5%?
it’s currently 8:27AM, I haven’t slept yet.
Ei fa “Wochedaach” nadierlich. Wie em de Schnawwel gewachst is.
(unless there’s a good deal ofc)
There is not. Handing out discounts on one of the biggest consumersim-fueled dates in the year is just not maximizing profit and hence not fit for capitalistic environment.
I have an old rig for old games and I still have Win7 SP1 installed on that. It never gets updates as it’s not connected to the internet. I know everything works there and thus it is now a time capsule. Never change a running system lol
let p = ads, thus p = np. Where is my prize money?
In some cases this is called stalking and is illegal.
Germany’s population is around 83 million, Berlin would be around 3.5 million. So 160k is a lot (4.5% of Berlin’s citizens).
Further reference: the largest demo in Berlin was the protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine and counted around 500,000 participants.
It will harm consumers and small businesses way more than it will harm the big corporations. And that’s exactly the goal: consolidate the government by crippling their biggest enemy in the middle-class. It’s how fascism operates: make sure only your supporters survive.
Pseudocode/general thought process walkthrough should be the only thing imo. Oh no, the interviewee forgot a semicolon, so he is trash at coding and is a no-fit is complete bullshit.
Krass. “Für die Kinder” war anscheinend die Erklärung lol. Sendet so richtig schön das Signal, dass die AfD eigentlich eine Familienpartei ist und deckt sich mit deren Wahlwerbung. Klasse gemacht, Herr Merz.
Other countries will eventually see how awesome the US is and donate their eggs for free.
Die CDU macht was? Hab heute keine Nachrichten geschaut, weil sowieso alles den Bach runter geht?
It is connected to both moron and oxygen. The Greek word moros means stupid, so a moron is someone or something stupid, and oxys means something like sharp or pointed. An oxymoron is thus a “pointed stupidity”.
The word oxygen derives from the old, now falsified belief that it is the key element to create an acid. genes means creation and it was named because of that thought that it creates sharp (acidic) stuff.
The EU was initially a good idea, but it got too involved in national politics (anyone remembers the banana guideline that reads like a meme?). I still think, the EU is fine and we should keep it, but it should be a defensive alliance first and foremost and not some fucking merger that is advocating for the rich. Sadly, it’s the rich that have the influence because, well, money and they are going to abuse it.
A call for isolation and autarky is a massive red flag and nothing good will ever happen after that, it always leads to exploitation and violence. The reason CEOs don’t like globalism is because it’s harder to create a monopoly on a global market than regional and capitalism strives for those because it hates competition.
Well, let’s hope for a repeat then.
Just when I’m done migrating all my email shit to Proton, the CEO turns out to be a nazi. A classic.
You cannot mend a friendship with someone who has no interest in being friends with you.