Just some Internet guy

He/him/them 🏳️‍🌈

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023

  • For me the reason I want a non-smart TV is the software is complete shit and even a Raspberry Pi runs smoother, and I can replace or upgrade the Pi when it becomes too old to be useful instead of the whole TV.

    Those will all become dumb TVs over time, and then you’re stuck using the crappy software to get to your HDMI input through all the lag even though the software is literally useless.

    At least old TVs had ugly as hell but snappy and responsive menus. No waiting 5+ seconds between button presses because the home screen is lagging loading all those ads.

    I caved in and got one anyway and I regret it. Manufactured e-waste. The amount of times I have to reboot the damn thing because even my HDMI input starts glitching out is plainly ridiculous.

  • On top of everything the others have said, another way this isn’t possible reliably is servers that just accept all email and forward it to a catchall address.

    Some also have trap addresses where sending email to it will result in putting that address directly into the spam filter and everything coming from it feeds into training the spam filter. I’m an individual, not a company, so all the common IT, HR, support, press, sales, whatever addresses are traps.

    When websites force me to enter an email, I enter one of the traps so everything they send me and everyone they share that email with gets the banhammer instantly, and I can track which asshole website did that to me as well.

  • Yeah mine’s doing that too, and my dmesg is flooded with USB disconnect and reconnects.

    The thing probably is overheating and shutting off. I believe I’ve seen videos of them catching fire too, not sure if it’s that one or another webcam that looks similar.

    Mine’s on a USB hub with buttons for each port so I just leave its port off until I need the camera and only turn it on when needed.

  • Everyone’s making money on IPv4, so there isn’t the incentive just yet to really switch or invest in even supporting it. Major clouds now charge per IP, residential ISPs are starting to make having a public IP a feature they charge extra for otherwise you get CGNAT, mobile carriers don’t want people to host stuff and are quite happy with CGNAT.

    And then there’s the implementation part where everyone seems to go out of their way to do it wrong and cause trouble. My OVH server for example assigns me a non-routed /56 and I can only use about 8 of them before their router starts ignoring the rest.

    At home I have to do 6rd over PPPoE over VLAN which causes my router to not be able to do hardware accelerated routing and I lose 3/4 of my connection speed on top of the resulting tiny MTU, and it turns out IPv6 doesn’t like that. And then a few days later their 6rd endpoint changes and your connection dies until restarted manually, and somehow you end up with another IPv6 block and ugh it’s just so horribly broken.

    I want IPv6 to work but damn, ISPs aren’t making it easy to adopt it in the first place.

  • Sounds like it’s probably trying to inhibit sleep but uses the wrong way to do it that’s meant for video playback and games and it just wakes everything up. Look for a way to disable that for this specific app.

    I guess you can also

    while true; do xset dpms force off: sleep 5; done

    But that’s just bleh for a solution.

    If it can’t be turned off, I’d just shove it into a container to isolate it and prevent it from doing that.

  • Connecting them in parallel means the solar panel’s 24V output gets mixed with the car’s 12V systems. It’s not uncommon for car systems to run a little high like 14-16V to charge the battery but 24V is definitely quite on the high side. That might make the lead acid battery explode and will probably damage other systems as well.

    This might be fixable with diodes but I feel like that’s probably still not ideal to try to mix 12V with 24V on the same circuit. I would put a switch and have it be like a toggle kind of deal. Or maybe some connector that toggles a switch on insertion similar to headphone jacks that disables the speakers when plugged in.