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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2023


  • @EmperorHenry Not really. Some of my earliest #SpecialInterests came from my oldest brother, like astronomy, sci-fi, and computers. My love of music came from my oldest sister. Story is that I could sing before I could talk. And my mother was usually pretty supportive of my interests, even the weird ones. E.g., once when I was at a vampire #larp , she ordered a bunch of kfc from home without my knowledge, had it delivered to where we were playing (city hall incidentally), under my character’s name. Everyone found it hilarious.
    Another time she bought me a coffin to use as a coffee table because I had told her about Charles Addams using an embalming slab for same. It’s still my coffee table to this day.
    Lots of fun stories like that I could tell. But that’s not to say that my unrecognised #AuDHD didn’t cause us both problems. Lots of unfun stories there too. Just saying that as far as interests went, I guess I was pretty lucky.