Gymnastics. The skill part is obvious but monetarily its more than i expected. I thought it would be like going to a regular gym but its usually much more expensive to use the gyms and thats if you can find a time slot where adult males can train.
Gymnastics. The skill part is obvious but monetarily its more than i expected. I thought it would be like going to a regular gym but its usually much more expensive to use the gyms and thats if you can find a time slot where adult males can train.
I got the same. Seems like spiritual purity just means you don’t drink/smoke. Those are basically the only ones I answered no to.
And you can get that for under $100?
I definitely agree. But someone publicly speaking on the subject should probably look into it first or at least their team should give them a heads up.
I feel the same way when politicians fuck up talking about tech stuff. If I’m talking with my friends about encryption and I fuck up the terminology I don’t really care. If I’m a politician talking about it in a house floor debate I’m gonna make myself look retarded to anyone who knows anything about encryption and ruin my own credibility in the process.
Yep. I’ll second this. I’ve used it for years and across many laptop changes, phone changes, etc. It’s painless but you’re also responsible for not losing everything.
An unreasonable hatred for everything to do with alcohol, and a blanket.
It puts the “people” part first. This can be seen as prioritizing them as being people first and their skin color second.
True. I want a nice car before getting a house. How the fuck else will I get to my job to pay for my car and house? And by “nice” I mean “won’t break down on the way to my job.” very few of my friends have ever bought a new car.
I did not know it was so low. That’s crazy. It makes sense though. I don’t know anyone who posts in real life. All the people I know who use Reddit are just lurkers.
I’m surprised by a lot of the comments. It’s frustrating that so many people just want their entertainment. They don’t seem to care that Reddit is making it harder or even impossible for the people that use their personal time to keep the sub moving. It reeks of entitlement.
It is what it is. I wouldn’t change what I did regardless so it doesn’t matter. At least I still have hope things will go in my favor but my mom and I have lost at every step so far.
You are right about it changing me though. I have already felt it and I’m just getting started in this process. The hardest part is reminding myself I’m not guilty. It’s easy to fall into the guilty mindset when everyone around me is telling me I’m a monster. Except my family and friends who were there of course. They keep me sane. But everyone in the legal system assumes I’m guilty.
The secret is to buy shorts so short that they physically can’t ride up.
That’s a good read. I’m involved in a court case that could end up with me going to prison. I have multiple stem degrees, I worked for the intelligence community for a while. I have peer reviewed science articles published, and yet all anyone seems to see is that I’m muscular and have martial arts experience so obviously I beat up the other guy. Realistically I just pulled him off of my mom, but he played up (or faked altogether) his injuries and now here we are.
I’m sorry you have gone through this. I’m definitely more sympathetic towards stories like this now that I might be telling my own someday.
This thread is great for getting ideas on how to get some content in the community I have.
Literally in the same boat. I wanted the place to exist over here but I’ve never been a mod and don’t really have interest but for now I’m happy with me and my dead community. If it’s ever not dead I’ll have to figure out what to do.
I really like dwm. It doesn’t seem too popular so maybe the other ones are better but it was the first one I tried so the others feel weird to me. I like the idea behind suckless in general though.
Endless sky and RimWorld have been my go to games recently.
Yeah. Honestly I’m way more active here. Granted my whole time on the fediverse is like a week or two, but Ive made more comments today than I have in like a decade on reddit. I could easily see myself not returning to reddit.
This is great. Some big ones are already dark.
Best case she’s littering worst case she starts a wildfire. Fuck this.